Member Code of Conduct

Purpose of the Code

The primary concerns of INAEDAD are our mission, and our members. INAEDAD is dedicated to Africa’s development (Social, economic, political, scientific, professional) as well as the development of ethically sensitive and responsible Elites or persons. It seeks to achieve these goals through sound development projects in Africa for the peoples of Africa, professional training, promotion and through regulations and policies governing conduct that encourages independence, productivity, maturity and respect for the rights and viewpoints of others.
Conduct at non-INAEDAD-activities is viewed as the members’ personal business. Conduct at INAEDAD-activities or a sponsored INAEDAD -event is expected to be in accordance with this Member Code of Conduct (hereafter referred to as “the I-RCode”). INAEDAD reserves the right to impose disciplinary sanctions or take other appropriate action when conduct is not in accordance with the Code.
This Code is in effect for chapter, regional, national, international INAEDAD- activities. The following categories and examples of unacceptable behavior are subject to disciplinary actions. INAEDAD reserves the right to identify other behaviors not listed below. Such determinations will be made by INAEDAD-RIEASDA Executive Board (I-REB). For INAEDAD activities at chapter and regional/international events, Chapter or Regional Executive Boards can make the determination with the consent of the I-REB.

Personal Misconduct

Unacceptable personal misconduct is defined as:
1. Harassing, physically threatening, or physically or verbally abusing any person in the INAEDAD or at any INAEDAD sponsored function or event.
2. Conducting oneself in a manner endangering the health or safety of another person.
3. Harassing any individual because of that person’s ethnic/tribal group, race, color, gender, religion,
marital status, disability, sexual orientation, or for other reasons by:
- Intentionally subjecting another person to offensive physical contact other than self-defensive.
- Specifically insulting another person in his or her immediate presence with abusive words or gestures when a reasonable person would expect that such act would cause emotional distress or provoke a violent response.
- Unwanted sexual behavior directed toward an individual,.
4. Engaging in lewdness or indecency.
5. Exhibiting disorderly conduct (including that resulting from drunkenness), unreasonable noise, or behavior that results in unreasonable annoyance.
6. Tampering with safety systems (such as fire-fighting equipment), turning in a false alarm, or engaging in behavior that constitutes a fire hazard.
7. Stealing any property.
8. Selling, brandishing, or possessing firearms, ammunition, explosives, dangerous chemicals, or any other objects as weapons.
9. Defacing property, public or private.


Disruption shall be defined as:
1. Creating noise or other disturbances that disrupt INAEDAD activities or INAEDAD sponsored events, or that disrupt either participants or non-participants at the venue of a INAEDAD -sponsored event.

Abuse of Controlled Substances

Controlled substances shall be defined as:
1. Intoxicants: The purchase, possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs and substances is regulated by State law. Members are expected to know and abide by Province/State/Country law and by INAEDAD rules and regulations. The following is not permissible:
2. Illegal Drugs and Substances: Members are not permitted to be under the influence of, possess, manufacture, distribute, or sell illicit drugs, as prohibited by Province/State/Country law, at INAEDAD -sponsored or approved activities. Reasonable suspicion of possession or use of illegal drugs and substances at INAEDAD activities and sponsored activities may subject the person involved to investigation.

Disciplinary Authority

Violation of the Code may be reported by any attendee at an INAEDAD -sponsored activities. Such violations should be reported in writing no less than 10 days after the alleged occurrence. Violations should be reported to the Standards & Ethics Committee of INAEDAD Executive Board.

Violation of the Code

Violation of the Code may subject the member to disciplinary action, including suspension of membership or expulsion, as well as punishment in accordance with federal, provincial/State/Country or municipal law.


A warning constitutes administrative action that informs the member that he/she has violated the Code and that a record will be kept of that violation at INAEDAD Headquarters for one year. If a member who is on warning again violates the Code of Conduct, probation or more serious and formal disciplinary action will be taken.


Probation constitutes administrative action that informs the member in writing that he/she has violated the Code, and that a record will be kept at INAEDAD Headquarters for two years. The behavior of the member is expected to be exemplary during the two-year probation period. Any future charges against the member may be cause for suspension, expulsion, or more serious disciplinary action.


Restitution constitutes reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of property, which may take the form of direct financial compensation, of service, or other forms of indirect compensation. In the event that damage occurs as a result of a member’s action and that action represents a Code violation, the member will be held personally liable for restitution.


Suspension is the exclusion from all INAEDAD sponsored activities for a period of one year. Records of suspensions will be kept on file for five years.


Expulsion is the termination of member status for an indefinite period. Records of expulsions will be kept on file for ten years


Conditions for readmission, if any, shall be stated in the notice of expulsion. Readmission will be granted at the discretion of the INAEDAD Executive Board following a recommendation from the Standards and Ethics Committee.